Thursday, October 28, 2010

Waterfront Property for Chickens

Today's word from the Vermicious Knid:

Coupond (noun)

Fictitious example: The chickens have left their coop to set-up house in their new waterfront property -- their new coupond. 

Real life example from the Vermicious Knid: Why don't we create a coupond for that, maybe a 20-percent discount?

The Vermicious Knid strikes again...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today's word from the Vermicious Knid:

Globality (adjective)

Fictitious example: The reality that the earth is not flat, and it glows in the dark.

Real life example from the Vermicious Knid: The globality of the product will be felt around the world.

The Vermicious Knid strikes again...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A New Mode of Transportation


Today's word from the Vermicious Knid:

Pacarious (adjective)

Fictitious example: What Laura Ingalls used to say to her father. "Pa-cari-us."

Real life example from the Vermicious Knid: Not knowing the outcome leaves us in a pacarious position.

The Vermicious Knid strikes again...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Is It A Planning Tactic Or The Study Of The Earth's Atmosphere

Today's word from the Vermicious Knid:

Strategery (noun.)

Fictitious example: The art of studying the stratosphere.

Real life example from the Vermicious Knid: The strategery behind the recommendation was well thought out.

The Vermicious Knid strikes again...

Friday, October 1, 2010

It's A Celebration Of Some Sort

Today's word from the Vermicious Knid:

Celibatory (adjective.)

Fictitious example: The celebration of celibacy.

Real life example from the Vermicious Knid: It will be a celibatory occasion!

The Vermicious Knid strikes again...